Discipline Statement

Dear Parent:

I work with parents/guardians of children in my care to determine the cause of misbehavior and deal with behavior positively. I use strategies that allow the child to take responsibility for his/her actions. In addition, I focus on teaching children appropriate behavior. I do not use threats or bribes; however, I do use Time Out when I feel the child needs a break away from the group. I focus on teaching children how to interact socially and continually reinforce the limits in my home. Physical punishment will not be used, even if requested by the parent. I expect children in my care to respect others, respect the environment and respect themselves. Hitting, kicking, spitting, biting, hostile verbal behavior and other behaviors, which will hurt another child, are not permitted. Each child will be dealt with individually. Consequences will occur immediately after the behavior. As a parent, I ask you not to punish your child at home for misbehavior shown while in my care. Please trust that I will handle the matter at my home. Furthermore, I will not discipline your child for an incident, which happened anywhere other than the daycare home. If your child continually misbehaves, I will call you and discuss the difficulty by phone or make an appointment to discuss the difficulty with you. I will not discuss problems in front of your child, other children or other parents. I will keep you posted on all happenings that we are involved in at my home. If I am experiencing behavior difficulties with your child, I will let you know as soon as possible. I hope that together we can create a behavior management strategy, which will control the behavior. In those instances when a behavior is very disruptive or harmful to the child or other children, I will discuss the issue with you. If an intervention can be made and will warrant success, the child can remain enrolled. If you will not seek appropriate assistance or we cannot effectively meet the needs of your child, you will be asked to make other childcare arrangements. I will assist you to the best of my ability to help you find other
arrangements. Thank you in advance for your assistance!

(Your Name) ~ Childcare Provider
(Mother's Signature)
(father's Signature)